Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Ready for camping

Did a bit more sewing today and made sleeping bags for mini crusoe and Fridays special friends :) 

With thanks to Its always autumn for the pattern which I adapted for the smaller toys :) http://www.itsalwaysautumn.com/2012/7/16/make-a-sleeping-bag-for-a-stuffed-animal.html 

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

iPhone photography - first attempts

Inspired by the work of Andrew Whyte and his 'legography' charting the adventures of a little Lego man over the course of the year using an iPhone for the photographs. 

I decided to have a go myself, thought it might be fun to keep track of some of Mini Crusoe and Friday's adventures from a slightly different perspective.

So I need to practice....

 This was my first attempt 'dinner' 

Then this morning:

Tried to capture the dew on the webs ...